Juniors Kingston Road Trip
Our junior contingent set off on their maiden surf road trip to compete in the first carnival for the season at Kingston Beach recently. Coordinator Shane Askew had been planning the trip along with Jono Cahill since the season started, attempting to bring back some of the traditions that add to the adventure and fun of an away surf carnival.
"Some of my best memories from Bundaberg when I was a kid were the many surf road trips to carnivals" Shane said.
"We're trying to bring back those traditions that surf life saving were built on - fun, lifelong friendships and competitive racing"
The surf was uncharacteristically big at Kingston so the venue was moved to Carlton Park. The weather was a little chilly but it didn't dampen the spirit of our Burnie Nippers and fun was had by all. The performances at the concert that night were said to be hilarious and the group had a great time. Well done guys!